Egmore Chennai 600008..

School Uniform

The School uniform is compulsory on all class-days and at school functions. The students should come in proper school uniform.
Students should come to school neat and tidy.
Boys: Hair should be combed, well trimmed and they should be clean shaven
Girls: Two plaits, neatly braided hair.

Dress Code

Std Boys Girls
KG & Std I to V Blue Shirt with piping in the sleeves. (2 inches above the elbow)
School logo-midway on the left sleeve
Fawn short trousers with properly stitched folds.
Grey socks and black shoes
Fawn skirts- knee length
Blue Shirt with piping in the sleeves . (2 inches above the elbow)
School logo-midway on the left sleeve
Grey socks with black shoes
Flaps with buttons ( in the front only )
Cycling shorts (beige colour ) beneath the skirt is mandatory.
Blue ribbons / Hairbands
Std VI to XII Blue Shirt with piping in the sleeves . (2 inches above the elbow)
School logo-midway on the left sleeve .
Straight formal fawn trousers with properly stitched folds .
Grey socks and black shoes
Blue Salwar top with closed collar .
Length of the top (four inches above the knee of the ward )
Salwar top with piping in the sleeves. (2 inches above the elbow)
School logo-midway on the left sleeve .
Straight formal fawn trousers with properly stitched folds
Grey socks with black shoes
Blue ribbons / Hair bands
LKG to Std II
On Wednesday:
House T Shirt
Fawn Short Trousers
Black Shoes
Grey Socks
House T-Shirt
Fawn Skirt
Black Shoes
Grey Socks
House colour ribbons / hairbands
On Wednesday:
House T Shirt
Track Pant
Black Shoes
Grey Socks
House T Shirt
Track Pant
Black Shoes
Grey Socks
House colour ribbons / hairbands
All the girls should wear skin coloured tights.
Every student should come in school uniform on every working day including Saturdays. He/she is permitted to wear decent colour dress on his/her birthday.