Egmore Chennai 600008..

Punctuality And Attendance

a) Students must be punctual for class on every working day. No student may absent himself/herself without prior permission. Late entry will be recorded in the school handbook by the PE/Class teachers. If more than five late entries are recorded, parent’s must meet Vice Principal/ AHM for an explanation.
b) Leave for all celebrations and functions should be applied in advance by the parents in person.
c) If a student is absent for more than 3 days without prior permission, parent must meet the Principal, the following day for an explanation.
d) A student absenting himself/herself from school for 5 days in succession (excluding holidays) without permission will be marked ‘LEFT’. If he/she is to be re-admitted he/she will have to pay a re-admission fee of Rs 1000/-.
e) Students absenting themselves without prior written permission on Parents’ Day Celebration, Annual Sports Day Celebration and on opening and closing days of the Term or after special holidays like Christmas, Deepavali, Michaelmas, Pongal and other holidays are liable to lose their place. If the absentee is re-admitted he/she will have to pay a re-admission fee of Rs 1000/-



A three week notice in writing is required for the removal of a student. The requisition should be made by both of the child’s parents.
The T.C. or any other certificate or testimonial will be given free of charge if taken immediately when leaving; otherwise a search fee of Rs 200/- will be charged for every year and Rs 100/- will be levied for any extract from the school record.



(a) The student’s behaviour should be courteous and virtuous at all times and in all places, both inside and outside the school.
(b) At the stroke of 8.30 am the assembly will commence. All students should reach the school well in time and be in their allotted places on the assembly ground. Order and silence must be maintained throughout the assembly. A devout posture is expected from everyone during prayer.
(c) In the classroom, place is allotted to each student by the class teacher and no one may change it by himself/ herself.
(d) In the absence of the teacher, the class monitor immediately takes charge of the class and reports the same to the VICE PRINCIPAL/AHM, with the help of the assistant monitor.
(e) Every student must possess a school handbook which must be brought to the school. If any one loses it, he/ she should get a written authorization from the Principal to buy a duplicate handbook paying a special fine for his/ her carelessness.


Banned In School Premises

(a) Collecting funds for any purpose without a written permission from the Principal is forbidden.
(b) Chewing gum is banned in the school premises.
(c) Hair colouring and any form of undesirable hair style are strictly banned. Gold ornaments are strictly forbidden. Boys are not permitted to wear ear studs or bracelets to the school. Any student deliberately violating the rules will be suspended.
(d) Students are not allowed to talk to parents/visitors or to leave the school premises during the school hours without the permission of the Principal.
(e) No presentation of gifts either by students or parents to any staff, nor any demonstration of any sort towards the teachers may be done without the permission of the Principal.
(f) Dangerous or harmful games and amusements are strictly forbidden.
(g) Students are not allowed to use the school address to receive letters or other correspondence without special permission.
(h) Students should not bring any electronic gadgets like mobile phone, camera, i-pod, memory stick, laser lights, smart watches and magazines to the school.Once confiscated it will not be returned. Stringent action will be taken.
(i) Students are not allowed to use the school name in their social media account. The school will not be responsible for any untoward incident arising from the misuse of social media by the students.
(j) Students are not allowed to bring whitener to the school.
(k) Speaking in English is compulsory in the school campus. Defaulters will be penalized.
(l) Students should strictly adhere to the rules and instructions given in the Library and observe absolute silence and be responsible towards the property.
(m) Students are not permitted to bring cakes or gifts to school on their birthday. Chocolates alone may be shared with the classmates. However, the best way to celebrate is to gift books to the library.
(n) Any student involving in the following acts will be dismissed immediately from the school with appropriate T.C. indicating the reason for his/her removal on that very day.


They are:

i. Copying , helping others to copy and other malpractices such as altering marks and forging signatures.
ii. Physical violence - fighting with other students, causing serious injuries etc.
iii. Unhealthy practices that are punishable under legal and educational rules.
iv. Stealing inside and outside the school.
v. Groupism, cheating and other associated activities.
vi. Teasing , body shaming , bullying inside and outside school
vii. Use of vulgar language and indecent behaviour.
viii. Possession of materials of low moral values (books, social media etc.)
ix. Joining other clubs, courses and institutions without the permission of the Principal.
x. Absenting himself/herself for important school functions without prior permission and refusing to participate in school programmes.
xi. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards members of the staff, maligning staff and others.


Parents’ Co-operation

Parents’ are expected to co-operate with the school by enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline and by taking a daily interest in their children’s progress. They should check the handbook for any remarks and note the home work given. Parents should ensure that their children reach school on time to attend the school assembly and leave the premises immediately after dropping the children.
Parents should teach their children to respect the rules of the school through their own example. Speaking ill of teachers and the school in front of the children will result in growing indisciplinary attitude amidst the children and a complete lack of respect for their teachers and eventually for all adults. Parents can meet teachers only on Wednesday.
Kindly avoid honking inside the school campus. Speed limit should be maintained. Avoid parking your vehicle in the mornings at the time of arrival.


Concerning Home Work

Home work is given with the main objective of encouraging curiosity, a scientific spirit and higher order thinking skills in students. Students must strive to complete it on time. Marks will be deducted for late submission.



A student, caught copying or indulging in any other malpractice, will not be allowed to take a subsequent examination until the Principal grants him/her written permission to take the other examinations. Such a student must bring his/her parents to the Principal. Appropriate punishment will be meted out to the student according to the discretion of the Principal.


Protection of School Property

It is forbidden to write or scribble on the school walls and furniture, to throw paper or ink on the walls of the class-room, or in any way damage the school property. Damage done must be paid for, at the discretion of the Principal.


Student's Responsibility

Students are responsible for their own books, tiffin-carriers, sports kit or any other article that they may bring to school.


Responsibility of Class Monitor

Monitors must be exemplary in conduct and industrious in their studies.


Participation in Games and Functions

Every Student must take part in school games and other activities unless declared physically unfit or exempted by the Principal.
Attendance at official school functions like Parents Day, Sports Day, Independence Day, etc. is compulsory.


Concerning defaulters, accidents and excursions

The School accepts no responsibility if the student is obliged to return home during class-hours for not wearing the school uniform, for not bringing books to class, for not producing the signature of parents on remarks written by teachers or on the absence record in the calendar, for indiscipline and for repeated late-coming.
The School cannot be held responsible for minor or serious accidents, to students during school hours or during excursions.
Students are not allowed to meet parents or relatives or to leave the school premises during school-hours without the permission of the Principal.


Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC)

In accordance with the latest development in law, Don Bosco School of Excellence has constituted a ‘Grievance Redressal Committee’ (GRC) consisting of three members to address grievances of staff and students including all complaints pertaining to sexual harassment.


Change of Address / Phone Number

Whenever there is a change of address/phone number it is the responsibility of the parents to inform the school office through a written letter in person.


House System

To promote competition and healthy spirit among the students in all the activities of the school, curricular and extracurricular, and also to foster qualities such as loyalty and leadership, the House System has been introduced.
All the students are divided into four houses.


Parent-Teacher Quality Circle

This is a representative body of parents and teachers.
The main aims of the PTQC are : -
(a) to make the parents involve themselves actively in the various activities of the school.
(b) to bring about better understanding of the problems of the children through frequent parent – teacher interaction.
(c) to acquaint the parents with the CBSE pattern of education.
(d) to collaborate with the Management in organizing co-scholastic activities, so that there is wholesome co-operation among parents and teachers to work towards moulding the total personality of the student. Meetings will be held occasionally. Parent’s attendance at these meetings is earnestly solicited.



Special certificates will be awarded annually to those who distinguish themselves in Games, Sports, Co-curricular activities and 100% attendance.
Medals and Special Prizes are awarded annually to the deserving student under certain conditions.


Scholarship Sponsor

To encourage the students to achieve their goals and passion, Eagle Press has come forward to offer scholarship to the top three achievers in Std X & XII board exams under the title “Mrs Poppy Prathap Singh Memorial Prize for Excellence in studies”.


For Parents

(b) Kindly discourage your child from taking leave as far as possible.
(c) Go through your child’s diary, to check whether there is a message for you and countersign it.
(d) Criticism of a student’s teacher or the school in the presence of the child should be avoided because, it may cause the students to lose respect for the teacher and the school.
(e) The school teachers are not permitted to give tuition for students of the school. So do not force them to teach your wards privately.
(f) Only English should be spoken in the school premises in order to obtain a command over spoken English. Parents are requested to encourage this practice at home as well.
(g) After every term tests or exams, the parents of students who have not performed well, will have to meet the Principal, to take the Progress Reports in person, at the appointed time which will be intimated by the class teachers.
(h) Parents are requested to contact the school office for any official purpose.
(i) The school organizes parent animation session, in which, talks are arranged on Child Education and Child Welfare. Attendance of atleast one of the parents in such meetings is compulsory.
(j) Parents are expected to come without fail for the OPEN HOUSE to meet the teachers and check the academic progress of the child.
(k) The entrusting of a student to the school implies that the parents agree to abide by the rules and regulations and the decisions of the school. Parents should see that their children prepare home lessons properly and devote atleast 2-3 hours in the evening for reading material related to what they have learnt, and to do the activities suggested by the teachers.
(l) As education is primarily the responsibility of the parents, they are expected to co-operate with the school community with regard to student’s integral growth. Therefore, parents are requested to follow up the child in his/her process of growth and maintain a cordial, co-operative relationship with the school authorities.
(m) Car-owners are requested to instruct their drivers to observe the traffic regulations on Pantheon Road, so as to enable a smooth flow of traffic and ensure the safety of the students.
(n) No school business will be transacted during holidays.
(o) No parent is permitted to take any action against any of our school students for his/her misconduct.
(p) School accepts no responsibility if the student does not return home after school hours.